The Boy who Cried Horse

Dear readers,

I read The Boy who Cried Horse. It was about a boy named Acheron who told lies and lived in Troy. First he sang made up songs to make people think King Paris sounds like a god to please Queen Helen. One day a person came to Troy. He said he was Greek but said the Greeks were foolish. So King Paris believed him. One night Acheron followed the stranger to see were he was going. He saw the Greeks with the stranger.Acheron saw a wooden horse and the stranger went in it with the Greeks.First Acheron ran and told the guards to close the gate so the Greeks couldn’t come in. But the guard refused. Acheron went to tell King Paris. King Paris didn’t believe him so he banished Acheron. Outside the castle Acheron slept. The Next day he heard a BOOM and saw Troy crumbled to pieces.

I wonder why Acheron lied when he sang. I guess that he probably wanted to have royal food. Another thing I wonder is if Acheron didn’t follow the stranger. Troy anyways would have crumbled to pieces but Acheron wouldn’t have been banished.

I learned that Acheron lies. Another thing I learned is 2 poets wrote this story. One was Homer and the other one was Virgil.

I pictured King Paris getting captured or killed when the Greeks invaded.  Another thing I pictured was that the king who attacked Troy captured a lot off people from Troy. He turned them into his slaves to serve him.

I think that the moral for this story is those who tell lies are never trusted even when they tell the truth.


Minecraft dude

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