Dear 2nd graders

Dear second graders,

It is almost the end of the year! You will be going to 3rd grade! Do you feel scared. When I went to 3rd grade it felt a bit scary. You will start to get used to it though. It will start to be less scary because you wil know everything in your room.Then 3rd grade will get to be a piece of cake.

You will learn cool things and cool projects.One of the projects is called passion hour. Passion hour is where you research about something and then you present it to your class. A cool thing in math is you can put math and bingo together. In math you will learn fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and more stuff. You will learn things in writing and reading too.

The fun stuff that we did was that we got these things called brownie points. You get to earn brownie points when someone gives you a compliment in the hallway.  You will get free time if you get 10 brownie points. Another thing you get is rainbows. When you line up properly in recess you will get part of the rainbow. If you finish the rainbow you get to play outside.

Are you still scared of 3rd grade?


Minecraft dude

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