The Adventures of Steve Book 1 The Wrath of Herobrion

One sunny day Steve was building his mansion. He was tired and wanted to do something else. Then he a got an idea he will explore. So he did. Then he saw a portal. He went inside. When he landed on the other side of the portal he saw a massive city made out of diamond blocks. Steve got out his diamond pickax and started mining the diamond blocks. Then Steve fell in a trap and saw the most powerful villain in Minecraft … HEROBRION. Herobrion locked Steve up in his dungeon. After a few days Steve escaped the dungeon by blowing it up with TNT and he started to looked for Herobrion. Finally Steve found a sign. It said throne room. Steve followed the sign until he came upon a trap. Steve found many more traps and barely survived. Then he found he Herobrion. Herobrion whistled for his dragon and Steve whistled for his dragon. They soured into the sky. After a long battle Steve had a idea. He told his dragon to scorch the other dragon’s wing. So Steve’s dragon did it. Herobrion and his dragon fell into a pit.

Do you think Herobrion will return? Well see ya later.