Book Store

Today I went to a book store with my grandparents. At the book store we got a lot of books. I was hoping to find this Pokemon book but I didn’t find it. So some books I picked were Percy Jackson, Captain Underpants and Ninjago. The we had to leave

Bye Bye

The BIG Pizza

I was at my grandma and grandpa’s house. When I was almost leaving my grandma told me a story. She said grandpa and she were going to order pizza. When the guy gave the pizza to them, there were 2 HUGE pizza’s. My grandma said she was frightened and ran away.

Moral of the story never underestimate how much you eat.

Hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Run Run Run as Fast as You can (part 2 in proska park)

In the last post I said that there was a mean duck right. But before that I had to race with my mom. It was a 100 meters dash.

My sister said go. Me and my mom sprinted as fast as we can. We were tied the whole way until my mom slowed down. Then she was tied with me again. I could feel my heart pounding. The finish was almost there. It was a tie.

It was fun. After I raced with my mom I felt like a melting ice cream.




Go Away!!!!!!!

I went to Proska park. We did awesome things like feed the ducks, play in the playground and have a picnic. Did I just mention that we fed the ducks? Well in that case there was this mean duck. When ever someone was eating for a couple of mins, the duck would chase it away. Meany. So when I fed this duck close to the meany duck it kinda head butted the duck I gave bread to. Super duper meany.

Hope you loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s my ACHOO Day

I have allergies. And when it acts up it is bad.

Today I was sneezing sooooooooo much. I was sneezing like an elephant trumpeting so much that all the air makes the tree’s bend but instead of tree’s it was paper bending. So when I ate dinner I sneezed a super sneeze. It reached to my mom who was all the way on the other side of the table. My sister said to sneeze the other way.

I got mad. So I did a pretend sneeze AH AH AH choo. They felt for it. You should have seen the looks on their faces. They were wide eye when I did the trick

bye bye


Where’s my Pillow

In the night I woke up. I saw something strange. Then I new it. Where is my pillow. I started searching in my room. Finally I went to my dad, mom and sister’s room. I said to my dad “Where is my pillow.” He said “Huh.” Then my sister started to mumble something like this. “Har Har Har Har. And then my mom made a snoring sound like a pig. My dad woke up and said “What.” I said “Where is my pillow” louder. He responded and said by my feet.

Bye Bye

The Awesome Mall Day

Me, my mom and my sister went to the mall. We did a lot of cool stuff at the mall,like going on the rides, getting frozen yogurt, going to the store H and M  and finally going to the safari place. After we did all that we had to leave.

My favorite part was when I got the frozen yogurt. I put 4 flavors and they were cookies and cream, caramel, chocolate and vanilla. I also put 3 topping. They were cookie dough, gummy worms and chocolate sprinkles chips. It was SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEERRRRRRR delicious.

Hope you liked it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mushroom Maddness

I was playing Diggy with my friends at free time. When I was playing Diggy I was trying to get the mushroom. It is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard! Every time I tried to get it BOOM its gone. Then when I restarted I saw this arrow pointing down. I followed it. Then at the end I was done following the arrow. But then I saw something red like the mushroom. Yep it was the mushroom. It fell on top of me like it couldn’t hold on to the dirt. It gave me a suit so I could go in lava. Hooray.

Bye Bye

The Fantastic Brain

Yesterday I saw a skull. My mom said she will open it after school and she did. She brought it from her work. And guess what was in there. A brain. It felt sooooooo squishy. I said “COOL.” I wanted it to be all mine but I had to share it with my sister. After awhile playing with it I had to put it away.

Hope you liked it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cousin’s house

I was going to to my cousin’s house to meet my other cousin’s. When my cousin’s came the first thing we did was to play minecraft. Then we played fight. We had ice cream too. Finally my cousin’s left and after a couple of minutes later my family left too.

My favorite part was when I was playing minecraft. We tried to make a village. I got killed couple of times because of monsters.

Bye Bye.